I devote approximately an hour to exercise every single afternoon.
When possible, I prefer to workout first thing in the day. I’ve found that elevating my heart rate, expanding my lungs plus laboring up a sweat is fantastic for my productivity, energy levels plus mood. I care about a better afternoon because of my training sessions. I don’t have time for a gym membership. The nearest organized gym is almost an hour’s drive from my home. It’s way more convenient plus beneficial to have a household gym available to me. I am fortunate to have a lanai constructed across the back of my house. The tile floor, high ceiling plus square footage are ideal for exercise. I have invested into a yoga mat, jump ropes, resistance bands, free weights, battle ropes, incline bench plus mini trampoline. I have everything I need for an advantageous workout. My only concern is that one wall is honestly built out of screens. For the majority of the year, my local area experiences mild weather plus I care about the fresh air. There are about two months during the winter time when rapidly changing temperatures down to the forties make it difficult to exercise without heat. Space heaters don’t make much of a difference. For several months during the summer, the intense heat plus humidity are brutal. I wish there was some way to install air conditioning. Instead, I make do with an electric box fan. Although I run the fan at maximum speed plus rest directly in front of it, I am dripping with sweat within minutes of start my workout.